Recents in Beach

Working principle of various non conventional machining processes


1. Ultrasonic Machining – USM

2. Chemical Machining – CM

3. Electro Chemical Machining – ECM

4. Electro Chemical Grinding – ECG

5. Electrical Discharge Machining – EDM

6. Plasma Arc Machining – PAM

7. Laser Beam Machining – LBM

The various unconventional machining process are listed below.

Ultrasonic Machining – USM

Chemical Machining – CM

Electro Chemical Machining – ECM

Electro Chemical Grinding – ECG

Electrical Discharge Machining – EDM

Plasma Arc Machining – PAM

Laser Beam Machining – LBM



  • The main parts are generator, transducer, tool holder, table, power supply.
  • Generator converts the low frequency (50 HZ) to high frequency (20,000 HZ) current.
  • Transducer converts this high frequency current into mechanical vibrations.
  • This mechanical vibrations are transmitted to the tool holder.
  • Tool holder contains the tool to machine the work piece.
  • During the vibration, tool vibrates along the work piece.
  • During the tool vibration abrasive slurry is applied between the tool and work piece. 
  • Abrasive slurry is a mixture of the abrasive particle and water.
  • These abrasive particles are used to remove the material on the work piece.

Advantages of Ultrasonic machining process

  • Less skilled labor.
  • Low production cost
  • It can be used to machine complex shape.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic machining process

  • It consumes high electric current
  • Not suitable for remove of excess metal particles.

Applications of ultrasonic machining process

  • It is used to make holes in brittle materials like glass, diamonds and ceramics.
  • This method is used to machine conducting and non-conducting materials.



  • Also known as chemical milling.
  • CM consists of Cleaning, Masking, Etching and Demasking.
  • Cleaning – Initially the work piece will be cleaned using solvent.
  • After the cleaning it is washed and also it is dried.
  • Masking – it is the process of covering the portion of work piece which are not to be machined.
  • Normally rubber sheet is used for masking.
  • Etching – After the masking, the work piece is immersed in a hot chemical.
  • These chemical is called as the enchant. 
  • Different enchant are used according to the work piece.
  • Acids are used for steel. Ex. H2 SO4
  • These acid converts the metal into metal salts.
  • Ex. Fe →Fe2 SO4
  • The metal removal rate depends on the concentration of enchant and the temperature.
  • The MRR is high, when the concentration and temperature of enchant is high.
  • The MRR is low, when the concentration and temperature of enchant is low.
  • Demasking – After the etching the work piece is taken out from the enchant.
  • Then it is cleaned in water and masking sheet is removed.

Advantages of chemical machining process

  • Less skilled operator.
  • This process is suitable for all type of metals.
  • The rate of metal removal can be controlled easily.
  • The metal can be removed uniformly.
  • All sides of work piece can be machined at same time.

Disadvantages of chemical machining process

  • It is a slow process.
  • It is not suitable to remove large metal particles.
  • Chemicals are injuries to health.

Applications of chemical machining process

  • It can be used to machine irregular shape.
  • Thin metal sheets are removed.
  • Automobile parts and air craft parts are machined.



  • It is a reversible process of electro plating process.
  • The work piece is fitted in a fixture inside a tank.
  • Tank consists of electrolyte.
  • Generally sodium chloride or sodium nitrate is used as electrolyte.
  • Work piece is immersed in this electrolyte.
  • Positive terminal is connected with the work piece.
  • Negative terminal is connected with the tool.
  • During the process, electrolyte will be circulated by the pump.
  • When DC supply is given, the electrons are released from the work piece.
  • These electrons are carried away by the fast flowing electrolyte.
  • Due to this action metal particles are removed from the work piece.
  • Metal removal depends on the amount of current passes through the circuit.

Advantages of electro chemical  machining process

  • Simple and fast process.
  • Good surface finish.
  • Complex shapes are machined easily.
  • No tool wear.
  • Suitable for all metals.
  • Rate of removal is more.

Disadvantages of electro chemical  machining process

  • High electric power is needed.
  • Not suitable for non-conducting materials.
  • Costly.
  • Corrosion may occurs due to electrolyte.

Applications of electro chemical machining process

  • Complex and Irregular shapes are machined easily.
  • Gas turbine blades, impeller and air craft parts are machined.



  • In this method, metal is removed by both electro chemical and grinding processes..
  • Grinding process removes metal only 10 %.
  • 90% of metal removal can be done by the electro chemical process.
  • Grinding wheel is attached in the spindle. Spindle is used to rotate the grinding wheel.
  • Work piece is connected to positive terminal. And the tool is connected to the negative gap is maintained during the process.
  • An electrolyte is passed between this gap.
  • Sodium chloride and sodium nitrate is used as a electrolyte.
  • Electrolyte also act as a coolant. It is filtered and recirculated.
  • When the power supply is given, the metal is removed by the electro chemical process.
  • Some amount of metal is removed by the grinding process.
  • Removed particles are carried by the electrolyte.

Advantages of electro chemical grinding process

  • Fast process.
  • Very hard materials are removed.
  • Rate of metal removal is high.

Disadvantages of electro chemical grinding process

  • Suitable only for conducting materials.
  • High electric power is required.
  • High investment.
  • Not suitable for complicated shapes.
  • Corrosion may occurs due to electrolyte.


  • In this process metal is removed by the erosion.
  • Work piece is held in the dielectric fluid.
  • Positive terminal is connected with the work piece.
  • Negative terminal is connected with the tool.
  • Tool is used as a hollow. And it is made by copper or brass.
  • Dielectric fluid is passed in the tool pipe.
  • 0.005 mm to 0.05 mm gap is maintained between the work piece and tool.
  • When the DC supply is given electric spark is produced in this gap.
  • And High heat (12000C) is produced.
  • Small area of the material is melted by this heat.
  • Molten metal is spitted into small particles.
  • These particles are carried away by the dielectric fluid.
  • Dielectric fluid also act as a coolant.

Advantages of electrical discharge machining process

  • Fast process.
  • Conductive materials can be machined.
  • Complex and irregular surfaces can be machined.

Disadvantages of electrical discharge  machining process

  • High electric power is needed.
  • Suitable only for conductive material.
  • Square corners cannot be formed.

Applications of electrical discharge machining process

  • Used to make small holes in nozzles.
  • It is used to machine hard and brittle materials.
  • It is used to cutting off the work piece.
  • It is used to sharpening the tool and cutters.



  • The ionized gas is called as plasma.
  • When the gas is heated to a very high temperature it gets ionized.
  • Metal is removed by passing this plasma on the surface work piece at high velocity.
  • H2 or N2 gas is passed through the gas high speed.
  • Nozzle is provided at the bottom of the gas chamber.
  • Tungsten electrode is fitted in the gas chamber.
  • Electrode is connected with negative terminal.
  • Nozzle and work piece are connected with the positive terminal.
  • When DC supply is given, electric spark will be produced between the electrode and nozzle.
  • Due to this gas will be ionized.
  • Plasma is forced on the work piece through the nozzle.
  • Metal is melted due to this plasma.
  • And the melted materials are removed by the high velocity of plasma.

Advantages of plasma arc machining process

  • Fast process.
  • All metals are machined.
  • Material can be machined up to 150 mm thick.

Disadvantages of plasma arc machining process

  • Less surface finish.
  • Less accuracy.
  • High electrical power is required.
  • Costly.
  • UV and IR radiation affect the worker’s health.

Applications of plasma arc machining process

  • Used to cutting Stainless steel and aluminium alloys.
  • Used for cutting required profile in alloys. 



  • Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation is called as LASER.
  • It is a light beam having some wavelength.
  • When the laser is focused by the lens, the metal is melted and vaporized due to the high temperature.
  • The equipment has a ruby laser.
  • It is placed inside the flash lamp.
  • Flash lamp is filled with the xeon gas.
  • When the power supply is given flash lamp gives light to the ruby crystal.
  • Then the laser is stimulated and emitted by the ruby crystal.
  • Laser is focused by the lens on the work piece.
  • Due to this high temperature can be produced in the work piece.
  • Then the metal is melted and vaporized.

Advantages of laser beam machining process

  • Suitable for all metals.
  • High accuracy.
  • No force acts on the work piece.
  • Metals and nonmetals can be machined.
  • Curved and angular machining can be done easily.

Disadvantages of laser beam  machining process

  • High equipment cost.
  • Life of flash lamp is short.
  • Large amount of metal cannot be removed.

Applications of  laser beam  machining process

  • It is used for producing very fine and minute holes. (0.005 mm dia)
  • It is used to produce holes in surgical needles.
  • It is used to make holes in hard in brittle materials.

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