Electron beam machining process
Electron beam machining process is one of the non conventional machining process used in the modern industry to remove the material from work piece. You can understand the Construction and working principle of electron beam machining process as follows.
High velocity electrons are impacted on the work piece. So that heat is generated on the work piece.
- Electron beam machining process uses free electrons to remove the material from the work piece.
- It may be carried in vacuum or open state. Mostly carried in the vacuum to avoid the collision of electron with air molecules.
- During the process free electrons are manipulated by electric or Magnetic field.
- Manipulated beam focused by the magnetic deflection on the work piece.
- Work piece fixed in the fixture.
- When the beam collides with surface of the work piece, electrons are converted into heat.
- Due to high heat, material will be vaporizes and it can be removed.
- Electron beam passed in a pulse mode.
- Total process will be controlled electronically.
- High heat can be achieved in this machining process
- High cost is the major disadvantages
- Precise cutting is carried
- This technology is limited to high value products.
- Suitable for high thermal conductivity and high melting point materials.
- Pulse duration will be 50 micro seconds to 15 mille seconds.
- If the beam current increases, number of electrons will be increased.
- Increasing the beam current also increased with the energy per pulse.
- EBM machines uses the voltage range of 150 to 200 kV.
- For this case electron velocity will be nearly to velocity of the light.
- EBM process produce x-rays at the time of interaction with the work piece
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