1. Describe about the planetary grinders.
- Planetary grinding wheel is used to make good surface finish in any material.
- The work piece will held in the reciprocating table. And it will not be moved.
- Rotating grinding wheel is moved in the work piece.
- It is used to grind the large size work piece.
2. Name the parts of horizontal spindle surface grinder.
Wheel head, Bed, Column, Guard, and Saddle.
3. Give the examples of artificial abrasive grinding wheel?
Aluminium Oxide, Silicon Carbide.
4. What is grid and grade?
Grit:- Indicated the number of meshes per inch.
Grade:- Indicated the strength.
5. What are the types of bonds used in grinding wheel?
Silicon Bond, Rubber bond, Resinoid bond, Vetrified bond.
6. Describe the mounting of grinding wheel.
- Grinding wheel should not be forced.
- Wheel side and flange side should be perfectly fit.
- The flanges diameter must be at least equal to half of the wheel diameter.
- The bush is used in the bore of a grinding wheel.
7. Explain the balancing of grinding wheel.
- During the machining process grinding wheel rotates at high speed.
- The weight of the wheel should be distributed evenly.
- It not means unbalanced centrifugal force will be developed.
- It causes cracking and breaking of wheel.
8. What is loading and glazing?
Loading:-The removed particles will enter in the space between the grinding wheel during the machining. It is called as loading.
Glazing:-When a grinding wheel used for long time, the cutting surfaces of the wheel becomes smoother and gets the appearance like glass. It is called as glazing.
9. What is dressing?
It is an operation of removing glazing loading from a grinding wheel. This is done by a tool called as a dresser.
10. Give the explanation for LASER.
Light Amplified by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
11. Define the term PLASMA.
Ionized gas is called as plasma
12. List out the three applications of Ultra sonic Machining.
Drilling holes, Making dies, Machining precision stones and ceramics.
13. Give the limitations of the plasma arc machining process.
- Metallurgical change will occurs due to high heat.
- Process is un safe due to radiation.
14. Compare ECM and Conventional abrasive machining.
- Grinding made by both abrasive and electro chemical methods
- Fine surface finish
- No heat is generated
Conventional abrasive machining processes
- Grinding made by abrasive action only
- Less compared to ECM
- High heat is generated.
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